Key Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium

Schools in receipt of the coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium grant in the academic year 2020 to 2021, should publish details of:

  • how it is intended that the grant will be spent
  • how the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed

At Hartsholme Academy, we are in receipt of the grant and we have used this to fund an additional 1.4 adults (an additional Teaching Assistant has been appointed full-time and an additional Teacher has been appointed to work 2-days per week). Specific activities, including small group and one-to-one tuition, are designed to support our pupils to catch up for lost teaching & learning over the previous months.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up forms part of our School Development Plan (SDP) for this academic year.

Key Priority 4 To ensure maximum impact of the ‘Covid Catch-up’ funding through astute assessment and targeted, expert teaching & intervention
Hyperlink to Action Plan Covid-19 Catch-Up: COVID Catch-up Action Plan 2020/21 (see below)
Link SEF Section Leadership & Management
The Quality of Education
  1. Identified pupils make measurable progress from their starting point (from baseline assessments in September 2020 & from intervention-specific assessment), closing the gap between age-standardised score(s) and chronological age or improving standardised score(s) = better than ‘an average level of progress’ (NfER)
  2. Additional teaching capacity for the teaching of Phonics in KS1 ensures the most vulnerable readers (lowest prior attainers) make progress from their starting points (as measured by RWI assessments and Year 1 Phonics Screening)
Leadership Accountability Chris Edwards
Monitoring Daniel Callaghan
Evaluation Director of School Improvement, LGB, Validated Data & External Verification