On Thursday, we were visited by “Rock Steady”, a company that offers fun and inclusive in-school rock and pop band lessons. They introduced children and staff to an array of instruments and taught us a short song to perform. Children and adults alike loved the experience; what an opportunity to learn new skills, develop friendships and have the time of their life! What’s best, Rock Steady will be offering lessons to children at Hartsholme. Get ready to Rock and Roll!
Our Reception 1 and 2 children have been hard at work preparing their performance to The Lion King’s “I just can wait to be King”, they will be performing it at a local church next week in front of parents and their visitors. We know they will be absolutely amazing!
Good weather has finally arrived and we couldn’t resist the opportunity to soak up the sun and take advantage of the bright skies and fresh air. Some of our classes took their learning outside; this guided reading session was an absolute hit and both children and staff look forward to making use of our “outdoor classroom” in the coming weeks.