For the second year running, Hartsholme Academy chose to to unite and fight against cancer! Our youngsters are the generation that cold see ground-breaking treatments and cures for cancer in their lifetime, and could become the lifesavers of tomorrow! It was a fantastic day once again, in which the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and all of them finished their race for life and received a medal! As a school, we raised a fantastic £523 towards cancer research, and each and every one that took part should be extremely proud of themselves!

Year 6 had the opportunity to spend three days at Kingswood Dearne Valley. We have a fantastic time and many of us were able to overcome our fears and achieve so many goals in the process. Some of the activities involved jumping from a tall building and whizzing down a zip wire, climbing up Jacob’s ladder, building and raft, jumping in and swimming in a lake. It was a pleasure to watch the children have such a fantastic time – and the weather was a bonus too!